+306983017447 St Paul΄s Bay, Lindos, Rhodes mikefishingtripslindos@gmail.com
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Fishing Trips - Tourism Fishing | Lindos Rhodes

The business of Mike's Fishing Trips, led by Captain Michalis Moskiou and based in St. Paul's Bay in Lindos, Rhodes, has been operating since 2018 in the field of tourism fishing. Through his dedication to the sea, the local area, and his unique hospitality, he creates unforgettable experiences for his visitors, combining tradition with a modern understanding of fishing and the sea.

Fishing trips are a unique experience that you definitely shouldn't miss, as through them, you will have the opportunity to see the beautiful South Rhodes from a different perspective, enjoying the sun, the sea, snacks, and drinks that we offer to every visitor.


We love sharing our knowledge and passion with all tourists and locals alike, telling stories and adventures we have experienced while showing you beautiful landscapes on our island and explaining their history. At the same time, we teach you fishing techniques.

During our trips, you will learn two techniques: surface trolling and vertical fishing.
Contact us

for reservation or any questions regarding our services
we will be happy to assist you.
Apart from Greek, we also speak English, German, and Swiss!